Use this method to get details of the email with statuses such as injected, ok, softbounce, hardbounce, spambounce, deffered and dropped. By default, you can only access data from the last week
Request was successfully processed
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Send new email through transactional API which means that you can send email to a single email address or an array of email addresses. You can send the message to a maximum of 200 recipients. The entire query should not exceed 10 MB, and should not exceed 10 000 elements. If you want to send email to a group created through Create group method please use Send email campaign.
The subject of the message.
"Test email subject"
The smtp account name the email will be sent from.
The values to tag the message with. Tags can be non-unique.
The body of the message. If you choose templateId html and text can be omitted.
The array of recipients who will receive a blind carbon copy of your email.
The array of recipients who will receive a copy of your email.
The details of sender.
The details of who the recipient can reply to.
The extra key/value pair of the headers you can add to the message. Property name can contain max of 100 signs.
The extra variables you can use in your e-mial template. You can find more information on how to use this feature in this section.
{"sex":"unknown","hasNewsletter":false,"promos":{"1":{"name":"test40","value":300},"2":{"name":"test800","value":3008}},"footer":"<div><strong>crazy footer</strong></div>"}
The details of the recipients.
The details of the attachments. The entire query should not exceed 10 MB.
Request was successfully processed
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