Use this method to send mobile push notifications.
The id of applications to which we want to send push notification.
Push notification receivers
The push title that can be translated into multiple languages. Property name can have 2 characters maximum and property value maximum of 50 characters.
The push body that can be translated into multiple languages. Property name can have 2 characters maximum and property value maximum of 400 characters.
The default language for translating push in Unicode language identifier representation.
The absolute URL of image. Image requirements:
aspect ratio 2/1
format JPG PNG GIF
min 512x256
balanced 1044x720
max 2088x1440
size < 10MB
format JPG PNG GIF
dimensions max 2436x2436
Should notification be silent or not.
The push sound. Use resource name or ‘DEAFULT’ string
The date the Push will be set off.
"2020-01-01 12:12:12"
The unix timestamp parameter specifying the maximum lifetime of notification. Must be in future. The push service will try to deliver the notification to the receiver until the specified day.
The additional key/value pair you can add to the push notification. Property name can contain max of 50 signs
The advanced options for push notification.
Action that should be executed after push click
Two buttons for push notification. Each button can have different action.
Request was successfully processed
Additional data